日期:19-06-19 来源: 作者:admin
作者(Author): 金朝武
- ① Charles E. Mueller," Glossary of Antitrust Terms", AntitrustLaw and Economics Review, Vol. 26, No. 4." MARKET --- An area in which a group of sellers of some commodity,product, or service and its close substitutes compete for thepatronage of a common group of buyers."
- ②See 1992 Horizontal Merger Guidelines of the Department ofJustice and the Federal Trade Commission Of the United States.
- ③P 贝伦斯:“对占市场支配地位企业的滥用监督”,载于王 晓晔编:《反垄断法与市场经济》,法律出版社,1998年9 月,第206页。
- ④Commission Notice on the Definition of the Relevant Market for the Purposes of Community Competition Law.”Published in the Official Journal:OJ C 372 on 9/12/1997 顺便提一下, 市场优势地位一般是欧洲各国使用的概念,美国反垄断法 中一般用垄断地位(美国还使用的一个相关的概念是垄断 行为,即相当于欧洲各国所说的市场优势地位的滥用)。不 过这种使用上的差别现在似乎有一种缩小的趋势。
- ⑤ Ibid
- ①Competition and Consumer Protection Policy in theNewHigh -- tech Global Marketplace, report of the Office ofPolicy Planning of the United States, Chapter II.
- ②Dr. H. Michael Mann, "Antitrust and the Consumer: thePolicy and its Constituency", Antitrust Law & EconomicsReview, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1972.
- ①关于“交叉弹性”的定义,请参看Charles E.Mueller,”Glossary of Antitrust Terms", Antitrust Lawand Eco-nomics Review, Vol. 26, No. 4:" CROSS -- ELASTlCI-TY OF DEMAND -- The effect of a change in theprice of one product on the sales volume of some otherproduct. Thus, if an increase in the price of buttercauses a significant increase in the volume Of oleomar-garine sold, then there is significant cross -- elasticity ofdemand between those two products."
- ①学界对此有不同主张。