关键词(KeyWords): WTO;竞争政策;多边贸易体制;协调
基金项目(Foundation): 第三十四批中国博士后科学基金资助项目"贸易与投资的关联关系及WTO对国际投资法的影响"下的阶段性研究成果。
作者(Author): 尹竹
- ②See Kevin C.Kennedy,Global Trade Issues in the New Millennium,Foreign Direct Investment and Competition Policy at the World Trade Organization,George Washington International Law Review,Vol.33,2001,P.587.
- ①See Warren F.Schwartz&Alan O.Sykes,Toward a Positive Theory of the Most Favored Nations Obligation and Its Exceptions in the WTO/GATT System,International Review of Law and Economy,Vol.16,1996,PP.45-51.
- ②See Nina Hachigian,Essential Mutual Assistance in International Antitrust Enforcement,International Law,Vol.29,1995,pp.117,126.
- ③See Robert E.Hudec,A WTO Perspective on Private Anti-Competitive Behavior in World Markets,New England Law Review,Vol.34,1999, pp.79,83.
- ①See Eleanor M.Fox,Competition Law and the Millennium Round,Journal of International Economic Law,1999,p.666.
- ②See Kevin C.Kennedy,supra note,P.602.
- ③See Eleanor M.Fox,Toward World Antitrust and Market Access,American Journal of International Law,Vol.91,1997,pp.10-12
- ①See Kevin C.Kennedy,supra note,pp.620-621.
- ②See Joel I.Klein,A Reality Check on Antitrust Rules in the World Trade Organization,and a Practical Way Forward on International Antitrust,in Trade and Competition Policies:Exploring the Ways Forwards,OECD ed.,1999,P.37.See also Klein:No Monopoly on Antitrust,Finance Times, Feb.13.1998.p.24.
- ③同①。
- ④See H.E.Supachai Panitchpakdi,The Evolving Multilateral Trade System in the New Millennitun,George Washington International Law Review, Vol.33,2001,p.432.
- ⑤See Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann,How to Constitutianalize International Law and Foreign Policy for the Benefit of Civil Society,Michigan Journal of International Law,Vol.20,1999.
- ⑥See Eleanor M.Fox,supra note,footnote 10,p.677.
- ①截至2001年,世界上共有80多个国家制订了反托拉斯法,上述立法的大约60%是在20世纪90年代制订的。
- ②See Friedl Weiss,From World Trade Law to World Competition Law,Fordham International Law Journal,Vol.23,pp.250,271-272
- ③See Joel Davidow,United States Antitrust Development in the New Millennium,World Competition,Vol.24,2001,p.439.
- ①See Eleanor M.Fox,supra note,p.671;Joel I.Klien,AAG,Antitrust Division,US Department of Justice,Time for a Global Competition Inititive?Remarks at the EC Merger Control 10th Anniversary Conference,14 September 2000;Philip Marsden,"Antitrust"at the WTO,Antitrust,Vol.13,1998,pp.32-33.
- ②Joel I.Klien,supra Note.
- ①See Joel Davidow,United States Antitrust Development in the New Millennium,World Competition,Vol.24,2001,p.439.
- ②See Brusick,UNCTAD's Role in Promoting Multilateral Co-operation on Comptition Law and Policy,World Competition,Vol.24,2001,p.24.
- ①余劲松:《WTO与国际经济法研究》,载《国际经济法论丛》第7卷,法律出版社2003年版。