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Annotation Sample
日期:19-05-29 来源:中国法学杂志社 作者:admin





  1. See的用法:如果直接引用,则前面不加See;如果只是参考其他文献,未直接引用,则前面加See;

  2. 每一条脚注后面都加英文的句点.;

  3. 遇到重复的条目不重复列出,具体处理方式如下:

(1) 两个相邻的脚注完全相同,则下面一条写为斜体Id.,例如:

1. James Rachels, Why Privacy Is Important, 4 Philosophy and Public Affairs 323, 329 (1975).


(2) 两个相邻的脚注除页码不同,其他相同,则下面一条脚注写为Id.斜体加逗号加新页码(除Id.外,逗号及新页码均正体),例如:

16. Morgan Cloud, 2000 Amendments to the Federal Discovery Rules and the Future of Adversarial Prestrial Litigation, 74 Temp. L. Rev. 27 (2001).

17.Id., 29.

(3) 两个不相邻的脚注完全相同,则从该脚注第2次出现开始,则写为:“作者的姓名,supra斜体加note加脚注首次出现的编号”,例如:

116. Samuel D Warren & Louis D Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, 4 Harvard Law Review 193, 195 (1890).

117. Roberto. M. Unger, Law in Modern Society: Toward A Criticism of Society theory, at 48–58 (The Free Press, 1976).

118. Samuel D Warren & Louis D Brandeis, supra note 116.

(4) 两个或多个不相邻的脚注页码不同, 其他相同,则写为:“作者的姓名,supra斜体加note加脚注首次出现的编号,加逗号,加新页码”,例如:

116. Samuel D Warren & Louis D Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, 4 Harvard Law Review 193, 195 (1890).

117. Roberto. M. Unger, Law in Modern Society: Toward A Criticism of Society Theory, at 48–58 (The Free Press, 1976).

118. Samuel D Warren & Louis D Brandeis, supra note 116, 196.

  1. 作者姓名的写法:

(1) 作者姓名写全名,写法为:外国作者名在前,姓在后; 中国作者姓在前,名在后;

(2) 在脚注中,如两位作者,作者名之间加“&”;

(3) 在脚注中,如三位作者,前两位作者之间加逗号, 第2位和第3位作者之间加&,例如:

Jack H. Friedenthal, Mary Kay Kane & Arthur R. Miller, Civil Procedure, at 2 (West Publishing Co., 1993).

(4) 在脚注中,如多于三位作者,前两位作者间加逗号,第2位和第3位作者之间加&,第4位往后以et al.代替。

  1. 注解符号后空一格;

  2. 脚注每条引用后统一加英文句号.;

  3. 在脚注里,Article应为art., Number应为no., Paragraph应为para.;

  4. at与页码之间需要空格,页码与带括号的年代之间需要空格。




引用书籍,写法为:“作者姓名(首字母大写),书籍名称(实词首字母大写,斜体),at 页码,(出版社,出版年),例如:

Alan F. Westin, Privacy and Freedom, at 34 (The Bodley Head Ltd., 1967).

Liu Changjiang, Asset Trusteeship of Commercial Banks, at 9 (China Finance Publishing House, 2009).





Wayne D. Brazil, The Adversary Character of Civil Discovery: A Critique and Proposals for Change, 31 Vand. L. Rev. 1295, 1298 (1978).

John H. Langbein, The German Advantage in Civil Procedure, 52(2) U. Chi. L. Rev. 823 (1985).




  1. 在脚注中,article统一缩写,art. 与其后文字空一格,如art. 2;

  2. 案例(如,*& v. &*)用斜体。




引用网络文献,写法为:“作者姓名(如没有可省略),文章名称(全大写), +at +网址+括号(括号内注明Last visited Month Date, Year).,例如:

26. Barton Gellman & Ashkan Soltani, Nsa Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say, The Washington Post, at http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-infiltrates-links-to-yahoo-google-data-centers-worldwide-snowden-documents-say/2013/10/30/e51d661e-4166-11e3-8b74-d89d714ca4dd_story.html?tid=pm_world_pop (Last visited on June 24, 2014).

40. Patriot Act Usa Passed in the House, at http://blogonsite.com/patriot-act-usa- passed-in-the-house.html (Last visited on June 24, 2014).





44. M. J. Zuckerman, A Cellphone Can Make You Stand Out, to Rescuers and Marketers Alike, USA Today, February 7, 2001.

