关键词(KeyWords): 法院之友;书状;利弊;借鉴
作者(Author): 张泽涛
- ① Karen O'Connor & Lee Epstein, Court Rules and Workload: A Case Study of Rules Governing Amicus Curiae Participation, 8 Just.Sys .J.35, 39(1983) .
- ② Telephone Interview with United States Supreme Court Public Information Office Representative St. Mary's Law Journal). (Jan.7,1999)
- ③ Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill: The influence of Amicus Curiae briefs on the suppeme court,48 U. Pa. L. Rev.743.
- ④ Teague v.Lane,489 U.S.288,300(1989) .
- ⑤ Karen o'conanr and Lee Epstein: The Importance of Interest Group Involvement in Employment Discrimination Litigation, Howard Law Journal(1982) .
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- ① John Howard:Retaliation,Reinstatement,and Friends of the Court:Amicus Participation in Brock V.Roadway Express". Inc. ,31 How.L.J.241,253(1988) .
- ② Nancy Bage Sorenson: Comment: The Ethical Implications Of Amicus Briefs: A Proposal for reforming rule 11 of the txeas rules of Appellate Procedure. Mary's Law Journal(1999) .
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- ⑤ Karen o'connor and Lee Epstein: The Importance of Interest Group Inovolvement in Employment Discrimination Litigation, Howard Law Journal(1982) .
- ① Robert C. Bradley & Paul Gardner, Underdogs, Upperdogs and the Use of the Amicus Brief: Trends and Explanations, 10 Justice Sys.J.78,90-91(1985) .
- ② Joseph D. Keamey and Thomas W. Merrill:The influence of Amicus Curiae briefs on the suppeme court, 48 U. Pa. L. Rev. 743(2000) ,
- ① Karen o'connor and Lee Epstein: The Importance of Interest Group Involvement in Employment Discrimination Litigation, Howard Law Journal(1982) .
- ② e, g., Epstein et al., supra note 21, at 632 tbis. 7-13.
- ③ 376 U. S. 681(1964) .
- ① Nancy Bage Sorenson: The ethical implications of Amicus Briefs: A proposal for reforming rule 11 of the Texas rules of Appellate procedure, St. Mary's law Journal(1999) .
- ② Amicus Curiae Brief of Religious Organization for Picado V. Jegley, Women's Rights Law Reporter(2002) .
- ③ Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill: The influence of Amicus Curiae briefs on the suppeme court,48 U.Pa.L.Rev.743(2000) .
- ④ Sup.CT.R.37. 6.
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- ② John Howard: Retaliation, Reinstatement, and Friends of the court: Amicus Participation in Brock V.Roadway Express, Inc.,31 How.L.J.241,255 (1988) .
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- ⑤ e. g., Epstein, supra note 42, at 675-76.
- ⑥ Ryan v. Commodity Futures Trading Comm'n, 125 F.3d 1062,1063(7 th Cir. 1997) (posner, J., in chambers).
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- ③ 浙江省高级人民法院研究室:《“专家意见书”对审判工作的影响》,载《法律适用》2003年第10期。
- ① 浙江省高级人民法院研究室:《“专家意见书”对审判工作的影响》,载《法律适用》2003年第1