作者(Author): 胡冬华;
- 2 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE,THE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET,PRINCE OF DENMARK,ACT 3,SCENE 1,at http://shakespeare.mit.edU/hamlet/hamlet.3.l.html(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 3 In Lord Woolf's Access to Justice,Final Report,Section 1(1996).problems as being too expensive,too slow,too unequal,too uncertain,too fragmented and too adversarial were described.
- 4 MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,115.
- 5 Linn Hammergren,Toward a More Results-focused Approach to Judicial Reform,ⅪCongreso Internacional del CLAD,2,November 7-10,2006.
- 6 See CAO JIANMING(VICE PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF PRC).REPORT OF THE NATIONAL JUDICIAL INSPECTION ON"JUSTICE AND EFFICIENCY",FEBRUARY 13,2004,at http://www.chiliacourt.org/putilic/detail.php7id-104833(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 7 According to statistics disclosed in Chief Justice Xiao Yang's work report to the National People's Congress,the handling of 20,024 civil and administrative cases in2003 was discerned to be in excess of legal time-limits stipulated in procedure laws concerned.Within the same period of time,there were 4,834,350 civil cases and114,896 administrative cases tried by all the courts.See WORK REPORT OF THE SUPREME PEOPLE'S COURT,at http://www.court.gov.cn/work.htm(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 8 HE WEIFANG,INEFFICIENCY AMOUNTS TO ENEMY OF JUSTICE,at http://article.chinalawinfo.com/article/user/articledisplay.asp7ArticleID-19731(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 9 BRIAN LEITER,A SURVEY DONE FOR THE ABA JOURNAL REPORT,OCTOBER 12,2005,at http://leiterlawschool.typepad.com/leiter/2005/10/public_attitude.html(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 10 RICHARD E.MESSICK,JUDICIAL REFORM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:A SURVEY OF THE ISSUES,14(1)THE WORLD BANK RESEARCH OBSERVER,117,at http://wbro.oxfordjournals.Org/cgi/reprint/14/l/1177eaf(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 11 QIAN HONGDAO,ON JUDICIAL EFFICIENCY,at http://www.iolaw.org.cn/showscholar.asp?(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 12 Arthur Robinson&Hedderwicks submission to the ALRC,May 1998;Corporate Law Conference paper,Leo Cussen Institute,September 1998.
- 13 At http://www.aija.org.au/online/meadows.rtf(Last visited on April 6,2016).
- 14 MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,53.
- 15/rf,110.
- 16See THE SECOND FIVE-YEAR OUTLINE FOR PEOPLE'S COURTS'JUDICIAL REFORM,PART ONE,ART.8,at http://www.dffy.com(Last visited on April16,2016).
- 17 As Regulations Involving the Application of Summary Procedure in Civil Cases stipulated,courts at the primary level may further simplify procedures regardless of ordinary procedure of first instance and summary procedure as contained in the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC,provided that efficiency can be attained and meanwhile,fundamental principles of voluntariness and lawfulness are observed.According to new rules,the court may call for parties and witnesses to be in court anytime by way of taking messages,telephone,fax or email,etc.See art.1,2&6 of the Supreme Court's Judicial Interpretation No.15(2013).
- 19Chancery Guide,October,2005.
- 20 At http://www.adrnow.org.uk/(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 21 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION,A DISCUSSION PAPER SECTION 2,WHAT IS ADR?2.2,at http://www.dca.gov.uk/consult/civ-just/adr/section2fr.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 22MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,55-56.
- 23Id.,115.
- 24 LORD MARK SAVILLE,INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CASE MANAGEMENT,at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/jilt/19981/saville/(Last visited onApril 16,2016).
- 25MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,117.
- 26Id.,119.
- 27In the first 5-year reform outline,modernization of the court is regarded as a must for promotion of judicial efficiency and administrative level.See article 6 of the(first)five-year outline forjudicial reform of People's Court,October 20,1999.
- 28ROBIN WTDDISON,BEYOND WOOLF:THE VIRTUAL COURTHOUSE,at http://www.bileta.ac.uk/Document%20Library/l/Beyond%20Woolf%20-%20The%20Virtual%20Courthouse.pdf(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 29LORD MARK SAVILLE,supra note 24.
- 30COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT EXCLUDE LEGAL PROFESSION,at http://www.cmcf.org.my/htnWcmcfJndustrywatchl4.asp(Last visited on April16,2016).
- 31See JUSTICE,INTERIM REPORT TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR ON THE CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM IN ENGLAND AND WALES,SUMMARY,at http://www.dca.gov.uk/civil/interfr.htm(Last visited on March 8,2007).
- 32LORD MARK SAVILLE,supra note 24.
- 33For example,the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil has been well equipped and is making good use of advanced technologies.With the aid of information technology,Brazil's Federal Electoral Court(TSE)implemented an electronic voting system,resulting in an all-electronic voting process for the largest election on the planet,with 115 million voters dispersed across more than 320,000 electoral sections,at http://www.unisys.com/publicsector/clients/featured__case__studies/brazil__federal_electoral_court_.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 34 Established in January 2002,the Special Court in Sierra Leone is the independent war crimes tribunal set up by the United Nations at the request of the Sierra Leonean government charging for the atrocities and human rights violations during Sierra Leone's bloody 11-year rebel war.See PETER PENFOLD,LIMITS TO TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE,STANDARD TIMES(FREETOWN).MARCH 15,2005,at https://www.ble.ac.uk/courses/l/SOAS_15PLAC069_A06-07/content/_62736 1/JRR Sierra Leone___Limits_to_Transitional_Justice___Penfold_2005.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 35 At http://www.specialcourt.org/documents/PlanningMission/index.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 36 WALEED H.MALIK,E-JUSTICE:TOWARDS A STRATEGIC USE OF ICT IN JUDICIAL REFORM,at http://www.pogar.org/publications/judiciary/wmalik/ict.html(Last visited onApril 16,2016).
- 37 At http://www.courts.state.tx.us/jcit/StatAuthority/tcsbl417.asp(Last visited onApril 16,2016).
- 38The 23rd Conference of European Ministers of Justice,June 8-9,2000,London(United Kingdom)Resolution No.1"Delivering Justice in the 21st Century".
- 39For this part,the author mainly relies on personal experience together with references from:WALEED H.MALIK,supra note 36.
- 40 At http://www.opsi.gov.uk/ACTS/acts2000/00036--a.htnrfl(Lastvisited on April 16,2016).
- 41 At http://www.dca.gov.uk/foi/foiact2000.htm(Lastvisited onApril 16,2016).
- 42Karen Blochlinger,Primus Inter Pares:Is the Singapore Judiciary First among Equals,9(3)Pacific Rim Law&Policy Journal,45(2000).sited in IT support of the judiciary:Australia,Singapore,Venezuela,Norway,The Netherlands and Italy.
- 43Singapore had been a British colony until 1958,then became part of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.It was in 1965 that an independent state came into being at last.Also see ANJA OSKAMP,ARNO R.LODDER&MARTIN APISTOLA,IT SUPPORT OF THE JUDICIARY:AUSTRALIA,SINGAPORE,VENEZUELA,NORWAY,THE NETHERLANDS AND ITALY,at 47(T.M.C.Asser Press,The Hague,2004).
- 44Id.,48.
- 45In 1973,Computer and Law Association was founded.In 1985,the Information Technology and Courts Committee(ITAC)came into being.Then JUDITH program was staged in 1992,which has been helping the judiciary with IT services from then on.Lord Woolf's interim report"Access to Justice"was submitted to Lord Chancellor inl995,followed by Final Report the next year,both of which raised numerous suggestions for the application of IT in court practices.The end of 1998hailed the White Paper"the Modernisation of the Judiciary",whereas the beginning of 2001 saw another white paper"Modernisation of the Civil Court"(MCC).providing user friendly legal services by electronic means,including email,online communication,direct access to judicial system.By 2005,the objective of MCC was almost achieved.Also see XU XIN,SPIRITUAL COURTS:DIGITAL LIFE OF THE JUDICIARY,"BACKGROUND",at http://article.chinalawinfo.com/article/user/article_display.asp?ArticleID=24161(Last visited onApril 16,2016).
- 46MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,71-76.
- 47Chancery Guide 14.2,October,2005.
- 48Quotations in the above paragraph,see Chancery Guide of CPR,chapter 14,"general provisions"article 14.1 to 14.5.
- 49MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,134.
- 50 Id.
- 51 Id.
- 52Former Premier Zhu Rongji's Explanation of 10th Five-Year Plan Drafting,at http://www.chinagate.com.cn/english/e-plan/index.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 53 Article 38 of the(first)five-year outline for judicial reform of People's Court,October 20,1999.
- 54 At http://www.dffy.com(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 55This article appears in the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC,Chapter Seven,Section 2"service".
- 56 WALEED H.MALIK,supra note 36.
- 57Electronic case filing is also gaining importance in other states,though it is not applied to all cases presently,eg.,in New York State in the US.But for the time being,this system only applies to commercial,tax certiorari and tort,see COURTHOUSE TECHNOLOGY,at http://www.nycourts.gov/comdiv.
- 58IT SUPPORT OF THE JUDICIARY:AUSTRALIA,SINGAPORE,ETC.,at 16(Anja Oskamp,Arno R L.&Martin A.ed.,T.M.C.Asser Press,the Hague,2004).
- 59HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE DIGITAL AGE,at 205(Mathias Klang&Andrew Murray ed.,Glasshouse Press,2005).
- 60HE WEIFANG,NO EFFICIENCY IS THE ENEMY OF JUSTICE,at http://article.chinalawinfo.conyarticle/user/article_display.asp?ArticleID=19731(Last visited on April 16.2016).
- 61MICHAEL ZANDER,supra note 1,120.
- 62 Id.,111.
- 63 Id.,120-121.
- 64Michael Dodson,.Assessing Judicial Reform in America,37(2)Latin American Research Review,201(2002).
- 65 WALEED H.MALIK,supra note 36.
- 66 a.
- 67 ROBIN WIDDISON,BEYOND WOOLF:THE VIRTUAL COURTHOUSE,at http://www.bileta.ac.uk/Document%20Library/l/Beyond%20Woolf%20-%20The%20Virtual%20Courthouse.pdf(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 68MICHAEL KIRBY,THE FUTURE OF COURTS:DO THEY HAVE ONE?,at http://www.hcourt.gov.au/speeches/kirbyj/kirbyjfuture.htm(Last visited on April 16,2016).
- 69According to article 14.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR).all persons,in the determination of any criminal charge against them or of their rights and obligations at a suit at law,"shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent,independent and impartial tribunal established by law".Publicity is an inherent and essential feature of a court system conforming to such fundamental rights and freedoms.This principle has obvious implications for the right to confront not only the judicial decision-maker but also witnesses and opponents.Nevertheless,who knows what would happen if people would not require the court to be physical but spiritual.
- 71R Susskind,Expert Systems in Law:A Jurisprudential Approach to Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning,49 Mod LRev,168,170(1986).
- 73NADRAC,Dispute Resolution and Information Technology:Principles for Good Practice,cited in GABRIELLE KAUFMANN-KOHLER&THOMAS SCHULTZ,supra note 70,119.
- 75 MICHAEL ZANDER,supra Dote 1,134.